Senior Staff Scientist David Schardt contributes occasional articles to NAH.

Two-thirds of smokers want to quit, and about half try each year. Fewer than one in 10 succeed, despite the fact that the FDA has approved both prescription and over-the-counter drugs that could help.

Enter supplement sellers trying to make a fast buck on Amazon. Some have even earned coveted “Amazon’s Choice” awards.

We asked 15 companies for evidence that smokers who take their supplements are more likely to quit. None provided anything even remotely credible. Here are a few examples.

What Evidence?

“Quit smoking safely and naturally,” boasts Eliminiction (6 botanicals, 1 vitamin). “No need for nicotine gum.”

The evidence? “Eliminiction has helped many, many people give up smoking for good, but there are no scientific studies that show the likeliness of success,” conceded its manufacturer.

Nicoban will help you break free from nicotine addiction the natural way,” promises the supplement’s website (24 botanicals, 7 oils, ox bile powder). Got any scientific study showing that it helps? “No,” admitted the manufacturer. But “we estimate that Nicoban works about 75% of the time.” Hmm...

Amazon’s Choice?

Think you can trust claims on “Amazon’s Choice” items?

Clear Airways (9 vitamins, 2 minerals, 12 botanicals, 5 other ingredients) told us that “a Doctor” wrote “white papers” about studies showing that the supplement works, but wouldn’t tell us which studies.

“Results do vary,” said the company. “One needs to also be willing & take an initiative to cut back on smoking, exercise regularly, eat healthy & drink a lot of water with lemons.”

Quit Nutrition (13 vitamins, 9 minerals, 8 botanicals, 2 other ingredients) cited a four-day study of one of its 32 ingredients...that didn’t test quitting smoking.

Lobelia Loophole

EZ Quit (2 botanicals, 1 other ingredient) and Vice Breaker (4 botanicals) credited the herbal ingredient lobelia for their supplements’ effectiveness.

Lucky for them that supplement companies don’t have to honor the FDA’s ban of lobelia from over-the-counter anti-smoking drugs, gums, and lozenges.

There’s no credible evidence that lobelia helps people quit smoking, says the FDA. We asked EZ Quit’s manufacturer for studies showing otherwise, but got...EZ Zip.


“Quit smoking the all natural way,” claims NicRx (11 botanicals).

And that’s based on? “Unfortunately, we are not qualified to advise customers about medical studies,” said NicRx’s Amazon seller. Qualified to take their cash? You bet.

“You are one click away from being SMOKE FREE!” says Nicotine Quit (3 botanicals, 2 other ingredients).

Why should we believe that? “It will help leveled [sic] Nicotine in your body,” was all the company (through its Amazon seller) could muster.

Watch out, Granny

Grandma’s Herbs Kick It (14 botanicals) advertises on Amazon that it not only helps “in overcoming Smoking Addiction” but also “aids in overcoming drug addiction.”

Oops. That illegal claim could land Grandma in hot water. The FDA has zero tolerance for supplements that make bogus claims about curing drug addiction.

Grandma didn’t respond to two inquiries via Amazon. An email sent through her website bounced back.

Photos (top to bottom): Kaamilah Mitchell/CSPI, VITINITY, Alexas_Fotos/, EZ Quit, NicRx, Kaamilah Mitchell/CSPI.